Tuesday 4 November 2008


To Janet at Twisted Knitter, for the gift of some gorgeous sock yarn and a mix CD. It is on its way from Texas and I am very excited. I love the generosity of knitting bloggers. There are often give aways, and I have learned so much as a beginning knitter reading about other people's projects.

To my Grandma for inspiring me to enter the wonderful world of knitting; (pictures of my first cowl to follow soon).

For good friends. One of my closest friends flew in from Ohio yesterday, and we had a wonderful dinner full of good food good wine, and most importantly good talk, and lots of laughs. Being with good friends feels so easy, they know all the stories, it takes minutes to catch up after months apart, and there is always new experiences and old memories to share.

I feel a bit like I do after eating breakfast in bed, or taking off my shoes after a long day walking in the countryside, or perhaps how a cat feels after a saucer of cream.

1 comment:

Twisted Knitter said...

And thank you too! I hope the yarn arrived safely and I apologize for the shameful shipping delay. I hope I didn't send any cold viruses or germs, but thankfully, I packed and prepared everything before we all got our colds!

I hope you had a wonderful visit with your friend! It sounds like you really needed it.