Wednesday 6 August 2008


I learned a new (to me) meditation technique last night, and wanted to share it, as it really helped me to focus quickly on the now. Sit comfortably, or lie on the floor on your back, and take a few deep belly breaths before you begin. It is a counting technique & the idea is to count your breaths (on the exhale) from 10 to 1, (not audibly, just in your mind) and then begin at 10 again. If you lose count, just start wherever you think you left off, if you prefer visualisation to saying the number to yourself, that is fine, and may lead to a quieter space for you to sit in. I did this for a bout 8 minutes and then spent a further minute or so consciously relaxing my brain, (which feels really good). Eventually the numbers will become unnecessary, (it may not be the first time you try the meditation--wasn't for me) in this case, just let the numbers drop away and sit in the stillness. Give it a try and tell em how you find it!

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