Wednesday, 16 July 2008


Last night was my final class in Beginner's Yoga. I started the course in April, with only a vague idea of what I was getting myself into. Needless to say I loved it, (otherwise I wouldn't give up a valuable Tuesday night once a week). Bean and I undertook the course together, both with different expectations and assumptions, most of which were blown out of the water within two weeks. To explain the course would be somewhat pointless because the experience is different for everyone, but I will endeavour to describe the effect it has had on me.

For starters, it brought me a new awareness of my body, and especially my breath. This lead to an acceptance of myself, which I found an immense relief. I am also beginning to tap into a stillness within myself; a relief during the madness my cycle commute to work in the mornings and evenings, and when I join the long queues at Clapham Junction on the days I can't seem to muster the energy for the cycle ride (often due to torrential summer rain). I suppose what I didn't expect from Yoga was that it would change my day-to-day life. That now, when I need a glass of water from downstairs (I work on the 7th floor), I take the stairs, and I enjoy the walk. I take the time and feel the stretch of my legs, breathe deeply and stop thinking for 6 flights. It leaves me with a strong feeling of presence, of occupying the moment not being a product of the past or a part of the future, (although I must give some credit to Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now -- Great book).

I would never say that Yoga is for everyone, but I do find that today, looking back over the past three months, I am a more content, more accepting person, both in regards to myself and others.

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